Hadara Quiz 1
General Knowledge
Write down your answers 1 to 20
- What does a herpetologist study?
- In the United States, how many nickels would you get for a dime?
- What is a John Dory?
- Which Scottish school did both the Duke of Edinburgh and his son Prince Charles attend?
- What does a dermatologist study?
- Which is the least used letter in the English language?
- Name the mythological character sentenced to fall in love with his own reflection as a punishment for his pride?
- In 1908, Kenneth Graham, a Bank of England bank clerk, wrote a book which has become a children’s classic. What was it called?
- It is sometimes called a gnu. What is its other name?
- When milk turns sour, what acid is formed?
- Two countries have been the most frequent hosts of the Winter Olympics. One is the United States; What is the other?
- Which James Bond film starred Honor Blackman?
- Who was the author of Our Mutual Friend?
- At the time of the French Revolution, what were tumbrels?
- Which American gangster was known as ‘Scarface’?
- In medicine, what is known as a ‘magic bullet’?
- What name is given to a baby whale?
- Which fictional aviator had friends called Ginger and Algy?
- How do frogs catch flies?
- Only one American state has a name beginning with ‘L’. Name it.