Frequency of Hadara’s Regular Activities and Events
Monthly Meeting for all members
4th Wednesday of the month (apart from December), in the Hall, 2:00pm till 4:00pm.
Look out for details of December’s meeting during October/November each year.
The Hadara AGM is held in November each year at the monthly meeting.
Payments taken for events
Every Tuesday morning, in the hall, 9:30am till 10:00am. Also at each Monthly meeting.
Keep Fit with qualified instructor
Every Tuesday morning, in the hall, 10.00am till 11.00am.
Short Mat Bowls
Every Wednesday morning, in the hall, 10:00am till 12:00noon.
Every Thursday evening, in the hall, 7:00pm till 9:00pm.
Apart from every 4th Thursday evening when the session changes to the following day, Friday.
Lunch Club
Once a month, on a weekday afternoon, 12:30pm for 1:00pm.
Watch the Diary / Noticeboard / Webpage for latest information on venue.
Wine Circle
3rd Tuesday evening each month, at the Hartley Social Club, 7:00pm.
Committee Meeting
2nd Monday afternoon each month, in the Parish room, 2:00pm till 4:00pm.