Bournemouth 2021

Bournemouth 2021

19th – 22nd November

We had a very smooth journey and arrived at the Marsham Court Hotel in good time.

A welcome coffee was ready for us while the room keys were given out.

After time to unpack, we met for a mulled wine before our evening meal was served.

Next day was Christmas Day and we started with a coach trip around Bournemouth, Sandbanks and Poole.

We were dropped off at the quay where we joined our boat, the Solent Scene, for our guided voyage around Poole Harbour.  

The hot drinks and mince pies were all included.


Once back on dry land, we crossed the road to Hennings restaurant where we enjoyed our hot soup and hot rolls.

We had time afterwards to look at the Christmas on the Quay activities that were taking place outside.

Then it was time to re-join our coach for the ride back.

Once back at the hotel we were enjoying more drinks and mince pies when Santa arrived.

He was met by the Hadara Paparazzi.

Undeterred, he greeted us all with a cheery “Happy Christmas” and a present from his sack.

Our Christmas dinner with crackers and all the trimmings was served “Under the Stairs”

Followed by drinks and a singer in the bar, of course.

The next day was New Year’s Eve and a chance to find out more about the museum across the road.

The Russell-Cotes museum has a wonderful history and is totally unique. Well worth a visit.


Then a short walk down the slope towards the pier, took us to the park……

and the Christmas Tree Wonderland, Christmas market, shops.

Our New Year’s Eve Dinner was also well decorated and we all had hats to wear.

Our entertainer that evening was a very good guitarist/singer.

The next day, after a relaxing breakfast and plenty of time to pack, we headed home.

A very good time had been had by all, according to all the comments.


A very big thank you to Jim






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